Our local county fair took place last week starting with Tuesday and running through Saturday.
While we didn't have as many fair entries for the Exhibit Hall, there were shows that we had been preparing for all summer.
The first being the 4H Junior Horse Show.

Both girls were in the same age class and also competed against each other in all their events.

She's in her "happy place." This child is a true horse lover!
I was very proud of both of them!
At different times the ponies acted up or stubbornly refused to do what the girls were asking of them, but both girls disciplined them with a firm hand and without losing their composure.
The girls placed in nearly all their events with my oldest daughter getting top scorer in her age class.
Tim did a fantastic job coaching them and so much credit goes to him also.
I was just the cheerleader. Actually, some very good friends showed up to help support the girls and I got to visit with them while we all watched the horse show. Believe-you-me, living way out in the country and rarely getting to visit with friends for an extended period of time leaves this homeschoolin' mama seriously unsocialized!
Back to the fair, Thursday the children and I spent most of our day out at the fair enjoying the Exhibit Hall and seeing how our entries did. Both girls placed with some of their photos as I did with mine.

This picture of a Robber Fly placed first in the Animals and Insects Category.
My little guy had fun with some friends and learned the art of shooting a clothes-pin with a rubberband.
We ate fair food (Yum!) with some other friends and had great conversation.
On Friday, all three children were to show their calves in the Bucket Calf Competition.

The barn was full of calves and youngsters getting ready for the show! We had a total of 32 kids participating.
This was our youngest's first year and our oldest's last year. All three kiddos were in seperate age divisions.
The participants of this program must buy a calf in May, journal it's progress once a week, turn in their journals and worksheets regarding all financial information concerning the calf in early August, and then go through an interview process with a judge prior to their showing the calf on the day of the competition.

My Little Guy...after his interview with the judge. He looks glad to have that behind him!

Showtime! Little Guy leading his calf to the arena.
There are several awards given out to participants that excel in the interview, showmanship, and herdsman. Our oldest won the interview award and our middle child tied for second. The middle-child also came in second in her age division for showmanship. All three kiddos did great and our youngest had no problem as he had seen it all done for the past several years.

All three kiddos with their calves after the show.
Later, when the bucket calf competition was all said and done, the girls went to the Exhibit Hall to compete in a couple of 4H activities. They both particpated in Consumer and Horticulture Judging.

This was rather interesting to watch as the girls scrutinized different objects ranging from table runners to jars of preserved jelly and then judged which to be the best and why.
We were pleased with the results and wonderfully a bit surprised.
Exhausted, tired, and hot we were ready to go home.
But we had to wait around as the local paper was taking pictures of all the entrants that had entered and received a grand champion placing.
I had received Grand Champion on one of my photos. It was in the Digitally Enhanced category.

My Grand Champion photo.
After getting my picture taken, the girls and I loaded up and headed home. We had a great time but were so happy it was all behind us for another year!
Here are some of my blog posts from past years regarding our county fair:
Cowboy Kids - Sept. 9, 2010
A Whole Lotta Bull - Sept. 1, 2009
What's On My Plate - Aug. 24, 2009
Now to get ready for a beach vacation!
Have a great rest-of-week, Julie