Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Progress


It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

Today, I cleaned and organized all day.
And it felt good!
Doesn't it make a difference when the clutter is gone and you can actually remember enjoying your home?
Why do I let it get to a point of total chaos?!

Now, I've got to be honest...the house is still somewhat in a state of disarray, but a vast improvement has been made.

Progress seems to be what I'm all about right now, moving forward.
Funny, I seem to say that very thing to the kids often, "Let's move forward, people!"

Is it just me or do you too sometimes feel like you're in limbo? I've felt that way for awhile now, like I'm in limbo.
I haven't understood it and being a homeschooling mama with a sense of limbo goin' on is a bit frustrating and discouraging. So would limbo and stagnant be synonymous? Stagnant can be such a negative word with negative implications.
Hmmm, I'll think on that one.

Anyway, limbo or stagnant, I'm leavin' them behind and movin' forward!
I'm cleanin' house!
Working on thankfulnes, Julie


Julie... said...

(Disclaimer: This comment from da husband....I'm guessing that the 'profile' is still set to Julie. This is not her bragging on's just me being unable to switch the profile to me on our home computer.)

Anyway, moving on......the house is looking great!!

Jane Deskis said...

That would be all I need -- Is a husband that notices I've been working hard. That kind of praise is a good 'love' boost. Way to go Tim. You've got a hard working 'keeper' there in Julie. We bloggers know it. Have a great day.

Julie, I too love to clean out the house and get rid of stuff that has piled up over winter (because it's too cold to get it to the shed or attic). We are thankful for all that stuff we can pass on to someone else.

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,
I know the feeling. Waiting on a call for so long has left us feeling like we are in limbo. His grace is still there and it's at times like this that we have to rest in Him all the more. After all, when we can see anything happening, we are left with walking by faith all the more. I imagine Abraham went through times like this as he lived on the hills of Canaan, waiting for God's next move. It's easy to say we are moving forward when we are actually moving to the land. But once we get there, it's hard to just wait.

Unknown said...

You guys are so blessed to have each other. Your encouragement for each other is inspiring to see. :-) Julie, sometimes I find in limbo is where I grow the most - KWIM?

Jennifer Hoots said...

It always feels good to get the house in order. Of course, I would not know that feeling, currently! As for stagnant versus limbo... I do agree that stagnant is a bit more negative. Limbo is waiting, but you have hope that will change? Maybe? Stagnant seems stuck and not even wanting to move forward?

Wendy said...

Know what you mean...I think it's too much winter, too much inside the house, doldrums in school, not enough sun. So I'm hopeful that spring will bring refreshment! And yes, I think that cleaning and organizing is therapeutic. Glad you feel progress. :-)

Dana Leeds said...

Thanks for your comment about us being home safe from Japan. I am so thankful we are home! I'm trying to imagine being there when this happened, and it is scary. I will try to post this morning about it.